How to Keep Your Mac Workflow Smooth & Productive (Tips + Apps)

How to Keep Your Mac Workflow Smooth & Productive (Tips + Apps)

One of the reasons why you own a Mac is probably the pleasant and smooth user experience it provides. That is something we love Apple products for. And it’s also what the quality of our workflow depends on.

Smooth and productive Mac workflow – how exactly is that? It’s when you can stay focused on your main task while easily switching to the other ones, do your job on Mac with minimal distractions, less effort and time spent.

In this article, we want to share with you some tips and apps that will help you maintain a more convenient, efficient and seamless Mac workflow.

5 Best Notes Apps for Mac (Simple & Quick Note Taking)

5 Best Notes Apps for Mac (Simple & Quick Note Taking)

You’ll find plenty of note-taking apps for every taste and task on a Mac. Lots of the good ones offer an extended feature set – up to the point of allowing you to write a novel in a single note. But many of us simply don’t expect such omnipotence from a notepad – just to jot down an instant short note often is quite enough.

The good old Evernote with its plethora of features has become too complex for an average user. Those who prefer to simply drop quick notes on the fly have other nice apps they can opt for. The only question: which exact one to choose?

So, if you wish to upgrade your note-taking experience, here is your top-5 list of the selected most beloved apps in terms of simple and quick note making.