How to Keep Your Mac Workflow Smooth & Productive (Tips + Apps)

How to Keep Your Mac Workflow Smooth & Productive (Tips + Apps)

One of the reasons why you own a Mac is probably the pleasant and smooth user experience it provides. That is something we love Apple products for. And it’s also what the quality of our workflow depends on.

Smooth and productive Mac workflow – how exactly is that? It’s when you can stay focused on your main task while easily switching to the other ones, do your job on Mac with minimal distractions, less effort and time spent.

In this article, we want to share with you some tips and apps that will help you maintain a more convenient, efficient and seamless Mac workflow.

5 Best DRAG & DROP Mac Apps (Convenient File Management)

5 Best DRAG & DROP Mac Apps (Convenient File Management)

We drag and drop things on our computers, tablets and smartphones. With a mouse, touchpad or just our fingers. On a daily basis.

In this article, we want to overview the best Mac file managers (transfer apps) which are based exactly on this super handy action designed to simplify our lives. Starting with simple drop zones and finishing with all-around drag-and-drop desktop managers.

7 Steps to Refresh & Beautify Your Mac Desktop in 2019

7 Steps to Refresh & Beautify Your Mac Desktop in 2019

If you are reading this, chances are you spend quite a good chunk of your day at a Mac screen. With time, your Desktop gets filled with litter, background picture gets boring and something definitely needs a refreshment.

So how do you make your Mac Desktop look cool & fresh again?
Let’s start with a few tips on how to clean up your Mac desktop and keep it tidy. Then we’ll add some juice and adjustments.